Lacie Michel Bogen
School of Professional Advancement
Lacie Michel Bogen, Ph.D., has taught courses such as SOCI-1090: Social Problems and CSSO-3910: Special Topics - Social Interaction since 2017. Dr. Bogen enjoys teaching her classes and encourages students to invest in their human capital by engaging their critical thinking skills to make connections between classroom material and real-world applications.
Dr. Bogen earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Loyola University New Orleans (1999), a Master of Arts degree in Experimental Psychology from Southeastern Louisiana University (2001), and a Ph.D. in Sociology (specializing on social networks and health; 2009) from Louisiana State University. She presented findings from her dissertation, “Examining Gender Differences in Social Network Structure, Social Support, and Psychological Health: The Case of Hurricane Katrina,” at the Southern Sociological Society conference. Her current research interests include gender, social networks, health behaviors, and community engagement.
She previously worked at Pennington Biomedical Research Center (LSU) where she was involved in the program development and implementation of their postdoctoral education training program, NIH grant writing, clinical trial orientations, and scientific symposium event planning for national and international researchers.
In more recent years, Dr. Bogen chose to pause her professional employment track and focus on her role as a caretaker within the sandwich generation. Sociologically speaking, the sandwich generation is the cohort responsible for raising their own children while also caring for their aging parents. This experience has provided significant groundwork for her future research endeavors.
If you could be on any reality TV show, which would you choose and why?
I would choose a reality cooking/baking show similar to the baking challenge show "Nailed It." I enjoy cooking and baking; it relaxes me. However, my final products always lean towards the "personal touch" realm rather than "picture perfect." But they always taste great! C'est la vie.
What are your favorite activities when you are not working?
Family. Friends. Food. Fun. In South Louisiana, it's easy to find all of the above!
What's the first career you dreamed of having as a child?
One of the first careers I thought of having was a librarian. I remember as a child, creating library book pocket cards and taping them into all the books I could find around our house. Then, either my sister or friends would have to sign the card in the pocket to “borrow/check-out” the book. My reference to this antiquated method may reveal my age!