Accredited Educator Preparation Provider

The Tulane School of Professional Advancement's Education Program has been granted accreditation at the initial-licensure level by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). Accreditation is granted when the Accreditation Council determines that an educator preparation provider (EPP) meets all CAEP Standards, even if areas for improvement (AFIs) are identified in the final decision.  

Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation

CAEP’s mission is to advance equity and excellence in educator preparation through evidence-based accreditation that assures quality and supports continuous improvement to strengthen P-12 student learning.

Tulane Education CAEP accreditation status is effective between Spring 2024 and Spring 2030. The next site review will take place in Fall 2029.The accreditation status and term are posted on the CAEP website.

The following programs are included in the current accreditation cycle:

Early Childhood (PreK-3) Initial Licensure Level Post-Baccalaureate
Elementary (1-5) Initial Licensure Level Post-Baccalaureate
English (6-12) Initial Licensure Level Post-Baccalaureate
Mathematics (6-12) Initial Licensure Level Post-Baccalaureate
Biology (6-12) Initial Licensure Level Post-Baccalaureate
Chemistry (6-12) Initial Licensure Level Post-Baccalaureate
Physics (6-12) Initial Licensure Level Post-Baccalaureate
Social Studies (6-12) Initial Licensure Level Post-Baccalaureate
French (6-12) Initial Licensure Level Post-Baccalaureate
German (6-12) Initial Licensure Level Post-Baccalaureate
Italian (6-12) Initial Licensure Level Post-Baccalaureate
Latin (6-12) Initial Licensure Level Post-Baccalaureate
Spanish (6-12) Initial Licensure Level Post-Baccalaureate

Note: Neither CAEP staff, evaluation team members, nor other agents of CAEP are empowered to make or modify Accreditation Council decisions. These remain the sole responsibility of the Council itself.

Louisiana Department of Education

The Division of Teacher Certification, Preparation, and Recruitment of the Louisiana Department of Education is dedicated to supporting school districts, higher education institutions, and providers of private education programs by developing effective teachers and leaders. This initiative strives to enable Louisiana students to succeed as effective citizens in a global market.

These educational programs are reviewed by the Department of Education in collaboration with the Louisiana Board of Regents for approval by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE). State regulations to maintain approval are included in Bulletin 996 - Standard for Approval of Teacher and/or Educational Leader Preparation Programs.

Those who are interested may learn more about the state's requirements to become a certified teacher through the Alternate Teacher Preparation Program.

Submitting Application for Licensure

After completing all Education Program requirements, including the final e-folio review and interview, candidates may apply for a Level 1 Teaching Certificate by submitting the appropriate documents and fees to the Louisiana Department of Education.

The program director and the assessment and accreditation coordinator will verify that you have completed program requirements. You will then be scheduled for a meeting with the coordinator to apply for certification through the department website. This includes submission of the alumni contact form along with a $50 fee.

If you have already submitted your license application, you may check its status at the state's website.

Title II

Our Title II reports are submitted to the state each year. They contain information about average teacher certification exam scores and pass rates for PreK-12 Education Program graduates.

Title II Report 2022-2023
Title II Report 2021-2022
Title II Report 2019-2020
Title II Report 2018-2019
Title II Report 2017-2018

If you're interested in enrolling in the Education Program through the Tulane School of Professional Advancement, start your application today.

CAEP Impact and Outcome Measures

Measure 1. Completer Effectiveness (R4.1)

Impact on P-12 Learning and Development

The impact of completers on P-12 Student Learning from 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19 is provided in the charts below, from the Louisiana Board of Regents. Data are based upon the value-added results of program completers with less than two years of teaching. Teacher value-added results are limited to grades and subjects with state administered assessments. Completers “value added effectiveness” scores range among “highly effective”, “effective proficient” and “emerging effective” levels only. The "ineffective" value-added score was 0%. The data also reflect most of our completers scored in the “highly effective” and “effective proficient” levels. Note: The number of content area completers in grades 4-8 were fewer than 10. To be eligible for VAM analysis with LDE, EPPs must have at least 10 students per content. Tulane’s Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification Programs overall mean scores and percentages of teacher effectiveness levels as per student growth results are included.

Outcome data in the 2022 Board of Regents Teacher Preparation Report pertains to 2019-20 program completers who taught in 2020-21. Retention data have been provided for 2019-20 completers who taught in 2020-21. Moreover, five-year retention data are provided for 2015-16 completers who taught in 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21.

2022 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard
2021 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard
2020 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard

Value-added Effectiveness Levels

Compass Evaluation Scores for First- and Second-year Teachers at Public Schools (Undergraduate & Alternate Programs)

(Three-year Averages for Academic Years: 2017-18, 2018-19, 2020-21)

*Note: Due to COVID-19, school districts did not conduct Compass teacher evaluations in 2019-20. During this time, Louisiana's public schools did not administer achievement tests. Compass teacher evaluations provide three-year averages for first- and second-year teachers who taught in 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2020-21.

The Louisiana Department of Education states that Compass is Louisiana's educator support and evaluation system designed to provide all educators with regular, meaningful feedback on their performance.

Under this system, all teachers in public schools in Louisiana are evaluated annually using a four-tiered rating: Highly Effective, Effective: Proficient, Effective: Emerging, and Ineffective. Half of the evaluation is based on achievement student learning targets to generate the Compass Student Growth score, and half of the evaluation is based on observations by supervisors using the appropriate Compass rubric to generate a Compass Professional Practice score. The two scores are averaged to generate Compass Final Evaluation Scores that range from 1.00 to 4.00.

# % # % # % # %
Tulane University—Certification-Only Program 35 3.2 0 0 6 17 17 49 12 34

2022 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard
2021 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard
2020 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard

Measure 2. Satisfaction of Employers (R4.2, R5.3)

Satisfaction of Employers and Employment Milestones

Data for Measure 2 is not yet available due to the delayed release of the Louisiana Teacher Preparation Program Report. The Board of Regents is working with the Louisiana Department of Education to obtain Retention data. Data for Measure 2 are expected to become available to the public by July 21, 2024. A summary of the most recent data from the Data Dashboard is below.

The data below is taken from the LA Data Dashboard and provides the overall impact and demonstrated teaching skill of completers from 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19. These data were gathered from Compass Final Evaluation Scores for the New Teachers by Louisiana Department of Education Teacher Effectiveness levels. Eighty-three percent of our teachers performed at the Effective Proficient or Highly Effective levels. We use these data to determine the satisfaction of employers and quality of program completers.

2020 Satisfaction of Employers and Employment Milestones data

Measure 3. Candidate Competency at Completion (R3.3)

Ability of Completers to Meet Licensing (Certification) and Any Additional State Requirements; Title II (Initial & Advanced Levels)

2020-21 Praxis Content Knowledge Data
2020-21 Praxis Content Knowledge Data
2021-22 Praxis Content Knowledge Data
Praxis, National Means

NIET Aspiring Teacher Ruric (ATR)

The NIET ATR provides a streamlined set of performance indicators to be used with teacher candidates to define effective instruction. These 12 indicators, which are based on and aligned to NIET’s research-based Teaching Standards Rubric, describe the key skills and abilities that aspiring teachers must have to be prepared for the classroom. The descriptions within NIET’s Aspiring Teacher Rubric create common language for observation, feedback, and support as well as foster collaboration between an aspiring teacher and peers or faculty around instructional practices. The vision represented within the rubric maximizes instructional excellence and correlates with student achievement. Each indicator, listed below, includes a list of bulleted descriptors and a rubric defining performance at five different levels. Aspiring teachers can earn a score of 1 (Improvement Needed), 2 (Developing), 3 (Proficient), 4 (Distinguished), or 5 (Exemplary) for each of the 12 indicators below.

  • Instructional Plans
  • Assessment
  • Standards and Objectives
  • Presenting Instructional Content
  • Activities and Materials
  • Questioning
  • Academic Feedback
  • Teacher Knowledge of Students
  • Thinking and Problem-Solving
  • Environment
  • Engaging Students and Managing Behavior
  • Professionalism and Ethical Behavior

The indicators, taken separately, provide an aspiring teacher with a progressive view of what each indicator looks like from “improvement needed” to “proficient” to “exemplary.” Taken as a whole, the rubric provides concrete and holistic feedback about strengths and weaknesses on the path to becoming a teacher. Each rubric indicator includes a notation for how it is aligned to the NIET Teaching Standards Rubric.

Educator Disposition Assessment (EDA)

The EDA instrument was designed with careful consideration of the psychometric properties associated with informal assessment so that any inferences made about a teacher’s disposition are more likely to be true. Psychometric evaluation efforts were made that far extend expectations associated with informal assessments. The effort was grounded in a sincere attempt to try to clear any confusion about the expectations so that growth in dispositions may be enhanced during coursework and subsequent clinical experience. Disposition categories are aligned with InTASC Standards (2013) and the works of Danielson (2009) and Marzano and Brown (2009). The EDA instrument is used to both raise concerns and identify exemplary dispositional behavior of students as they progress through a program.

The EDA scoring scale is as follows:

0-Needs Improvement: minimal evidence of understanding and commitment to the disposition;
1-Developing: some evidence of understanding and commitment to the disposition; and
2-Meets Expectations: considerable evidence of understanding and commitment to the disposition.

The EDA indicators are listed below:

  • Demonstrates Effective Oral Communication Skills.
  • Demonstrates Effective Written Communication Skills.
  • Demonstrates Professionalism.
  • Demonstrates a positive and enthusiastic attitude.Demonstrates preparedness in teaching and learning.
  • Exhibits an appreciation of and value for cultural and academic diversity.
  • Collaborates effectively with stakeholders.
  • Demonstrates self-regulated learner behaviors/takes initiative.
  • Exhibits the social and emotional intelligence to promote personal and educational goals/stability.

The use of these proprietary assessment tools has allowed Tulane Education Programs to collect and analyze data in a more uniform, efficient, and meaningful manner.


Learner & Learning 3.26 3.54 3.08
Content Kmowledge 3.16 3.39 3.01
Instructional Practice 3.18 3.41 3.05
Professional Knowledge 3.28 3.55 3.11

EDA AY 22-23

Demonstrates Effective oral communication skills 2.46 2.48 2.44
Demonstrates effective written communication skills 2.45 2.46 2.44
Demonstrates professionalism 2.12 2.36 1.88
Demonstrates a positive & enthusiastic attitude 2.07 1.75 2.38
Demonstrates preparedness in teaching & learning 2.12 1.96 2.38
Exhibits an appreciation of & value for cultural & academic diversity 2.46 2.42 2.50
Collaborates effectively with stakeholders 2.43 2.42 2.38
Demonstrates self-regulated learner behaviors/takes initiative 2.34 2.36 2.32
Exhibits the social and emotional intelligence to promote personal & educational goals/stability 2.41 2.44 2.38

Measure 4. Ability of Completers to be Hired

Ability of Completers to be Hired in Education Positions for Which They Have Prepared (Initial & Advanced Levels)

Annually, the Louisiana Department of Education prepares data for preparation providers regarding their completers placed in public schools in Louisiana. The following chart provides a percentage and number of those with a 2015-16 completer year and academic teaching years: 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, & 2020-21. Tulane SoPA PreK-12 Education Programs use this measure to determine the percentage of completers that enter teaching in public schools in Louisiana and to help continuously focus on placing teacher candidates in public schools during their yearlong residency.

Persistence Rate of Completers Who Taught in Public Schools in Louisiana for Five Years

Alternate Programs (Completer Year: 2015-2016) (Academic Teaching Years 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21)

The following table identifies the number and percentage of alternate candidates who completed teacher preparation programs during a specific year and taught in public schools in Louisiana during the following five years. Completers have the option of teaching in public schools in Louisiana, private schools in Louisiana, or schools in other states. This table only pertains to teachers who taught in public schools in Louisiana.

# % # % # % # % # %
Tulane University—Certification-Only Program 18 12 67 11 61 10 56 10 56 9 50

2022 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard
2021 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard
2020 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard

Accredited Programs

Post-Baccalaureate Degrees
Biology (6-12) (Certification-Only)
Chemistry (6-12) (Certification-Only)
Early Childhood (PK-3) (Certification-Only)
English (6-12) (Certification-Only)
French (6-12) (Certification-Only)
German (6-12) (Certification-Only)
Italian (6-12) (Certification-Only)
Latin (6-12) (Certification-Only)
Mathematics (6-12) (Certification-Only)
Physics (6-12) (Certification-Only)
Social Studies (6-12) (Certification-Only)
Spanish (6-12) (Certification-Only)